Monday, March 24, 2008

Mt. Imitos Promenade

Two weeks ago, while two good friends from Oregon – Vernon & Rosy – were visiting me in Athens, a group of my classmates organized a Sunday afternoon hike to (nearly) the top of Mount Imitos. Imitos is a broad mountain, which lies to the west of the city, not far from our apartment. It was a beautiful, sunny day, so we got some nice views of Athens and of the sea (to the SW). Here are some pics from our stroll:

L-R: Laurent, Emma (front), Marion (back), Xavier, Fernando, François, Antoine, Nora, Filippo, Scott, Rosy (photo by V. Reitz)

Lunch break near the peak

On top of the world (photo by R. Mazaika)

Eastward toward Athens

Trees & concrete (photo by R. Mazaika)

Facing southwest (Aegean Sea reflecting sunlight at the middle-left)