Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Funny Wind Energy Commercial

This video has been around for a few months… and it’s been forwarded to me by several people… so maybe it's already made the rounds, and everyone’s already seen it. But just in case you haven’t watched it yet, here’s a very creative (and quite funny, in a subtle sorta way) commercial advocating my new profession. It apparently just won won the top award for "best advertising film" at the International Advertising Festival in Cannes, France.

Additional note: At least two people whom I count as intelligent have admitted that they don't "get" this commercial. Even though it may seem to be a nonsensical piece of performance art upon first viewing, there is a point (once you figure out who the goofy guy with the hat is). Hint: he's not a person; he represents a "force", so to speak. If you haven't figured out who he is by the end, then they tell you (bottom righthand corner at 1:45 on the timer).


Also available here:
And in higher resolution: